Alken-Murray demulsifiers

Alken® 860 Saves Money For
Marine Bunkering/Tank Cleaning Service



 Bunker Group of Virginia Inc., originally founded as Bunker Marine of Virginia, is a fuel oil Bunkering company, primarily engaged in the business of supplying fuel to the Marine Shipping Industry on the East Coast. With their primary location in Norfolk, Virginia, they have affiliate distributors, located in major ports including Boston, Massachusetts, Standard Marine Tank Cleaning Services in Bayonne, New Jersey, Jacksonville, Florida, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Houston, Texas. Other affiliated businesses include ship repair, including tankers, and blending fuel to order.


Based upon past comparative studies in which Mr. Bob Powell, President of Bunker Group of Virginia, Inc., found Alken Even-Flo® to be vastly superior to other fuel additives, he turned to Alken-Murray to solve his serious problem separating reusable fuel from seawater contaminated with chemical emulsifiers.


To fairly compare the effectiveness of Alken® 860 treatment, Mr. Powell separated a quantity of Bunker C oil, containing approximately 30% water and a large quantity of unknown chemical emulsifiers, into three tanks. Tank #1, the control tank, contained the oil without additional fuel treatments. Tank #2 was treated with DutchMaid, a competitive product. Both tanks were initially heated to 185° F. No change occurred in Tank #1. A slight change was noted in Tank #2. A dosage of one gallon of Alken® 860 per 1,000 gallons of fuel, was added to Tank #3, which was heated to 150° F. Within 3 days, the water separation in Tank #3 exceeded the other two. The dosage of Alken® 860 in Tank #3 was then increased to one gallon per 500 gallons, which further reduced the oil content in the water to 1%. Since Alken® 860 is oil miscible, it stays with the oil rather than adding a pollutant to the water. The 1% of remaining oil can be easily bioremediated with a number of Alken Clear-Flo® products, such as Alken Clear-Flo® 5100, before safe and legal discharge to the ocean.


We recommend adding Alken® 860, AFTER the most easily separated water has been allowed to mechanically fall out, which will decrease the amount of product required, thereby increasing the money saved for the client.


Attached are the results of laboratory bench tests with oil samples from both Bunker Marine of Virginia and Standard Tank Cleaning Corporation, performed in 1991.

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